BY 陈美郿 Jun 5 2017
应用踏板拉伸法,是最直接,最简单的方法。每天站5-15分钟,对缓解小腿疲劳,膝盖,臀部,腰背部疼痛,肩颈酸痛有幇助,效果极佳; 原因之一是这个动作能够刺激委中穴。
The use of Standing Board stretching method is most direct and easy to do. Practising this exercise for about 5-15 minutes daily can help to relieve calf fatigue; and knee, buttocks, back, shoulder and neck pains. The results are excellent as this exercise directly stimulates the appropriate acupuncture point – Wei Zhong.
Chinese TCM believes that the stimulation of Wei Zhong acupuncture point helps to unblock our meridiens, improves blood circulation and detoxify our body effectively. As the ancient saying goes “Waist/back pain relief to be found in Wei Zhong acupuncture point” . With the advancement of age, our cartilages are reduced, our leg muscles and joints become more rigid, showing signs of aging, due to meridian atrophy, legs becoming more crimping and we can no longer walk agilely.
Therefore, in the practice of tai chi, one must also include stretching exercises, so that the contracted tendons are lengthened to maintain our body’s flexibility similar to that of a baby, thus reducing the chances of injuries.
中医学有“筋长一寸,延寿十年”之说。锻炼筋骨,建立腿部力量,而后掌握虚实平衡,协调,这样一定能减轻病痛,改善灵活,避免跌倒。 腿部拉伸的辅助动作还有把杆上压腿,全蹲等舒展活动等等,如图所示。
As the Chinese TCM saying goes : "Lengthening the tendons by an inch will add ten years to your life expectancy”. First, we improves our legs’strength, followed by maintaining good sense of balance and coordination. This will effectively reduce injuries and pains, improves our overall agility and prevent falls. The leg stretching exercise includes leg stretching using standing rods and full squats exercises etc, as shown in the following diagram.