
BY 陈美郿 Aug 30 2020

基本剑法包括刺,点,劈,撩,挂,拦,挑,截,云,带,抹,架,托,绞等。只要掌握住剑的攻防作用及基本剑法,配以手,眼,身,法,步, 即能把剑练得自如,潇洒,灵活。剑为百兵之君,

隋唐时期剑是地位的象征,文人墨客喜佩剑,代表文武具备,亦文亦武,非常豪气,高雅,故有古人之“壮士腰间三尺剑,男儿腹内五车书”之说。 练剑可以锻炼身体协调性,提升身体健康素质。

‘宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来’,剑刃的锋利是要通过坚持不懈的磨炼,才形成的,所以,练剑有如磨剑,能练到身剑合一,时而剑带身, 时而身带剑,是一种享受。


Basic sword techniques includes stab, point, split, pick, hang, block, pick, cut, cloud, tag along, wipe, clamp, support, stir, etc.

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the sword is a symbol of status. Literati and scholars like to carry the sword as a symbol of their learning. It is bold and elegant, therefore, there is the ancient saying : "three-foot sword carried on the waist of a strong man, inside the abdomen of a man Five Chess Book”.

Swordplay practices demand physical coordination and improve one's health.

"The sharpness of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold." The sharpness of the blade is formed through unremitting tempering. Therefore, practicing swords is like sharpening the sword, and carrying a sword is a kind of enjoyment.

Practicing a set of sword play entails perseverance. The indomitable spirit of "grinding a sword for ten years" will develop one’s willpower.

Tags: Wushu

May Tan Mui Buay is the chief coach and founder of Xin Ying Wushu Training Centre. She holds a degree in Social Science and Diploma In Applied Psychology.